To recognize the exceptional work being done by our colleagues around the state, WAMATYC honors selected faculty with a Washington Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Teaching Award in the following categories:
- Teaching Excellence Award: For excellence or innovation in teaching with influence beyond their institution. (Awarded annually.)
- Adjunct/Associate Teaching Excellence Award: For excellence or innovation in teaching. (Awarded annually.)
- Service Award: To recognize a significant contribution outside the classroom that advances mathematics or mathematics education. (Awarded biannually in odd-numbered years.)
- Education Reform Award: For innovation in mathematics course design or curriculum development at the precollege or college level with results supported by evidence. (Awarded biannually in even-numbered years.)
- Lifetime Achievement Award: To recognize a career of service to mathematics and mathematics education. For faculty with at least 15 years of experience teaching community college–level mathematics. (A special award given when deserving faculty are presented for nomination.)
These awards were initiated by Everett Community College faculty in 2014 and have been administered by WAMATYC since 2015.
Eligibility and Nominations
Eligible candidates must be community or technical college mathematics faculty — including adjunct faculty — in Washington during the academic year of nomination. Current members of WAMATYC’s Executive Board are not eligible and no person may win the same award twice.
Additionally, candidates for the Adjunct/Associate Teaching Award must be teaching at a Washington community or technical college as an adjunct/associate faculty (that is, not in a full-time or full-time temporary position) during the academic year of nomination and have at least six quarters (not necessarily continuous or at the same institution) of experience teaching one or more mathematics classes per quarter as an adjunct/aassociate instructor in Washington. The receipient of this award will receive a two-year WAMATYC membership and a cash award of $100 to be used for professional development or personal enhancement, as the recipient sees fit.
A call for nominations goes out each Winter Quarter. The nomination process involves a one- or two-page letter addressing why the candidate should receive the award. Please send nomination letters to Rajesh Lal (, WAMATYC president. A panel of judges chaired by the current WAMATYC president makes the final award decisions.
Award presentations typically take place during the Friday-night dinner at the Washington College Mathematics Conference.
2021 Recipient
- Adjunct/Associate Teaching Excellence: Teri Miller (Clark College)
2019 Recipient
- Lifetime Achievement: Meg Bartrand (Columbia Basin College)
2018 Recipients
- Teaching Excellence: Jody DeWilde (Whatcom Community College)
- Education Reform: John Toutonghi (South Seattle College)
2017 Recipients
- Service: Christopher Quarles (Everett Community College)
- Lifetime Achievement: Kialynn Glubrecht (Spokane Falls Community College)
- Lifetime Achievement: Stephen Lane (Big Bend Community College)
2016 Recipients
- Education Reform: Steve Kinholt (Green River College)
- Lifetime Achievement: Alan Walton (Highline College)
- Lifetime Achievement: Doug Mooers (Whatcom Community College)
2015 Recipients
- Teaching Excellence: Barbara Harras (Spokane Falls Community College)
- Service: Terry Meerdink (Highline College)
- Lifetime Achievement: Laura Moore-Mueller (Green River College)
2014 Recipients
- Teaching Excellence: Andrea Cahan (Everett Community College)
- Service: David Lippman (Pierce College)
- Education Reform: Helen Burn (Highline College)
- Lifetime Achievement: Dale Hoffman (Bellevue College)