Job Announcements
Upon request, WAMATYC lists full-time mathematics teaching positions currently open at colleges in Washington state. Have an opening to post? Please e-mail with details. See AMATYC’s Job Board for additional opportunities.
- One tenure-track position at Lower Columbia College (closing 3/30/2025)
- One tenure-track position at Edmonds College (closing 2/24/2025)
- Two tenure-track positions at Bellevue College (priority date 2/21/2025)
- One tenure-track position at South Puget Sound Community College (priority date 2/7/2025)
- One tenure-track position at Skagit Valley College (priority date 1/31/2025)
Washington Colleges and Universities
- A list of Washington colleges and mathematics department web sites
- FACTC (Faculty Association of Community and Technical Colleges)
Projects Involving Washington Mathematics Faculty
- WAMAP (Washington Mathematics Assessment and Placement)
- Open Course Library
- Math POW (Pacific Northwest Math Outreach Web)
- PNW COMMIT (Pacfic Northwest Community for Mathematics Inquiry in Teaching)
- Math Pathways Packet and Flowcharts Analysis (Patrick Averbeck, June 2017)
- SBCTC’s Math Pathways to Completion (February 2017)
- SBCTC’s Mathematics Strategic Plan (April 2015)
National Mathematics Organizations
- AMATYC (American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges)
- MAA (Mathematical Association of America)
- AMS (American Mathematical Society)
- AWM (Association for Women in Mathematics)
- NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
- SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
Organizational Newsletters
Faculty Mentorship, Student Contests and Conferences, etc.
- Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month, celebrated every April
- Project ACCCESS, AMATYC faculty-mentoring project
- Project NExT, MAA faculty-mentoring project
- AMATYC Student Mathematics League Contest
- AMATYC Student Research League
- Western Washington Community College Student Mathematics Conference
- Mu Alpha Theta